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Title: Sri Lanka: Rape, Murder, Fear And Death Under The UNHRC Microscope - The rape and sex abuse victims...
Author: Subash Kumar
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Sri Lanka: Rape, Murder, Fear And Death Under The UNHRC Microscope | WARNING;  Extremely  Graphic Photos! Tamil girl inju...

Sri Lanka: Rape, Murder, Fear And Death Under The UNHRC Microscope

WARNING; Extremely Graphic Photos!
Tamil girl injured during Sri Lanka Genocide
Pay attention to the hacked off limbs and crying, dying children; victims of Sri Lankan "Sinhala Buddhist madness".

( March 14, 2014, London, Sri Lanka Guardian)  Sri Lanka's pro-government Daily News paints a nice picture for Sri Lanka in Sri Lanka scores preliminary moral victory at UNHRC 2014:
    The hype behind the US sponsored third resolution against Sri Lanka looks to be frizzling out with US/UK and India managing to get as co-sponsors nations that would hardly constitute power bases."
This essentially translates to, "China and Cuba and other questionable countries with horrific human rights abuse records refuse to require accountability over Sri Lanka Genocide."

You see, there is nothing moral about the Sri Lankan government, in fact President Majinda Rajapakse exhibits a most immoral style, sharing traits with world leaders like Binjamin Netahyahu, Slobodan Milošević, Pol Pot and Adolf Hitler. He's a bona fide Génocidaire, intent on eliminating a minority culture that prevents his country from being an ideal Sinhala Buddhist nation. 

Sri Lanka's Buddhist government pushed the minority Tamil people around for 30 years following repatriation in 1948. The normally peaceful Tamils practiced a non-violent Gandhi style resistance, and watched their lives, their language, culture and customs fading, being outlawed, eliminated. 

After three decades, the Tamils had seen and experience enough; they wanted to practice their Hindu, Christian and Muslim faiths and this was not going to happen without a fight, so the Tamil Tigers were formed, the LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam) were an effective, unconventional fighting force that leveled the playing field, fighting the government of Sri Lankan (GoSL) ferociously, ultimately forcing the nation to sign a peace treaty with the breakaway state of Tamil Eelam in the northeast section of this island country. 

In 2005, under Rajapakse, the peace was shattered, and the Sri Lankan Army (SLA) launched a violent, illegal "total war" on the Tamils. When the smoke cleared, 160,000 Tamil people were either dead or unaccounted for. 

So why not have a look at these people? Those of you with the United Nations Human Rights Council, stroll through these photos and let them tell you the story of what Rajapakse's SLA did to the Tamil people, it was completely avoidable, very intentional, and completely illegal in every respect.

First, the adults...

The children...

The rape and sex abuse victims...

Have you seen enough? Can you imagine how the Tamils feel? Victims of such wanton and perverted abuse are holding their breath to see what the UNHRC is going to do. If Sri Lanka's acts are allowed to go unpunished the UNHRC will be paving a literal road for Genocide and all of its components; torture, child abuse, rape, murder... 

Sri Lanka has already been found guilty of Genocide, for five years the country has dodged and denied responsibility for their grave violations of international law and human decency. At this point it would be better for Sri Lanka to be under British rule than its own, when a government proves itself wholly incapable of managing its own affairs, then it is time for the world to step in.

These photos represent only a small fraction of my own personal collection of images from Sri Lanka's Genocide against the Tamils, which mostly took place during the first five months of 2009. I probably only possess a fraction of what is available. There is simply too much evidence, the Tamils need accountability, it can't happen without the UNHRC, the USA was good for pushing the Tamil Genocide into the light.

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Posted by Sri Lanka Guardian on 10:11. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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